Search Results for: Schools in Zip Code 33311
School Name | School Address | Local Phone |
Ashe Jr., Arthur Robert Middle | 1701 nw 23 avenue | 754-322-2800 |
Broward Estates Elementary | 441 nw 35 avenue | 754-322-5550 |
Dandy, William Middle | 2400 nw 26 street | 754-322-3200 |
Dillard Community School | 2501 nw 11 street | 754-322-0900 |
Dillard Elementary | 2330 nw 12 court | 754-322-6200 |
Dillard High | 2501 nw 11 street | 754-322-0800 |
King, Dr. Martin Luther Elementary | 591 nw 31 avenue | 754-322-6550 |
Larkdale Elementary | 3250 nw 12 place | 754-322-6600 |
Lauderdale Manors Elementary | 1400 nw 14 court | 754-322-6650 |
Marshall, Thurgood Elementary | 800 nw 13 street | 754-322-7000 |
North Fork Elementary | 101 nw 15 avenue | 754-322-7350 |
Old Dillard Community | 1001 nw 4 street | 754-322-8825 |
Parkway Middle | 3600 nw 5th court | 754-322-4000 |
Rock Island Elementary | 2350 nw 19 street | 754-322-8300 |
Sunland Park Elementary | 919 nw 13 avenue | 754-322-8550 |
Walker Elementary | 1001 nw 4 street | 754-322-8800 |
Wingate Oaks Center | 1211 nw 33 terrace | 754-321-6850 |
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